Sister Properties
13|UOpens in new tab
1310 U St. NW, Washington, DC 20009
Phone Number (833) 224-4857- Beds: 1 -to 2
- Sq. Ft.: 719 -to 2009
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment, Shaw and U Street Corridor.
$3,610to - $4,640Apply Now
Central PlaceOpens in new tab
1800 North Lynn St., Arlington, VA 22209
Phone Number (844) 879-1123- Beds: 0 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 477 -to 2737
- Baths: 1 -to 4
- Type: Apartment, National Landing and Arlington.
$2,245to - $7,304Apply Now